Press Release – Plant ETP celebrates the historic agreement in today’s COREPER meeting
Press Release
14th March 2025
Plants for the Future celebrates the historic agreement in today’s COREPER meeting to move forward on the legislative proposal for plants obtained by New Genomic Techniques (NGTs). The Polish Presidency has now been mandated to enter into negotiations with the EU Parliament and Commission.
Plants for the Future celebrates today’s achievement in the EU Council COREPER meeting, which has finally reached a qualified majority in support of moving the NGT file forward. Despite the publication of the EU Commission’s legislative proposal for plants obtained by NGTs in July 2023, and the adoption by the EU Parliament in February 2024, the EU Council has been in a deadlock ever since.
Since the Polish Presidency began on 1st of January, it has worked tirelessly to unlock the situation. Plants for the Future welcomes the balanced text put forward by the Polish Presidency, which is based on the scientific fact that category 1 NGT plants are as safe as conventionally bred plants and should therefore be regulated in the same way.
“We applaud this historic milestone in the EU Council and look forward to finally seeing this f ile move to negotiations in trilogues next month. Meanwhile we thank the current and previous Presidencies for their respective roles in achieving a qualified majority.” says Amrit Nanda, Executive Manager of Plans for the Future.
Plants for the Future will continue to support policymakers by providing science-based recommendations, facts and perspectives from the agrifood stakeholders that will be directly impacted by the final legislative text, in order to ensure an innovation-friendly environment that will leverage the EU’s scientific excellence and technological discoveries for the benefit of society and the environment.
Download the press release here.