Fascination of Plants Day Event


11th September 2024

Plants for the Future organised an event on the occasion of Fascination of Plants Day to Celebrate the crucial role of plant breeding in ensuring sustainable and circular agri-food systems.

On 11th September 2024, Plant ETP organised a special event in ILVO-Plant, Melle in light of Fascination of Plants Day initiative, with the aim to highlight the crucial role of plant breeding in ensuring sustainable agri-food systems, within the Green Deal framework. The event also focused on how public-private partnerships in plant breeding are essential to help transform basic research into innovative plant varieties. Supported by COPA-COGECA, EPSO, and Euroseeds, the event attracted policymakers, breeders, academics, and farmers to discuss the urgent need for sustained and long-term investment in plant breeding.

The event featured a series of presentations from leading experts in plant breeding. Amrit Nanda, our Executive Manager at Plant ETP, discussed the crucial role of plant breeding in enhancing crop production and the need for long-term investment. Academic Odd Arne Rognli of EPSO shared insights on Nordic public-private partnerships advancing agricultural research, while breeder Hendrik Tschoep of SESVANDERHAVE highlighted how these partnerships accelerate the development of new crop varieties. Farmer Thor Kofoed from COPA-COGECA emphasised the importance of improved seed varieties for addressing climate change and food security, and Johan Van Huylenbroeck from ILVO showcased successful local partnerships in crop breeding.

Following the presentations, a panel discussion addressed funding challenges, the necessity of EU-wide collaboration, and the need for engagement of young professionals in the field. Participants also toured ILVO’s facilities, including the HYDRAS phenotyping platform, to explore ongoing breeding projects.

The event underscored the need for increased investment in plant breeding and the role of innovation in achieving sustainable agri-food systems.

See the entire event report with photographs here.

Download the press release here.